Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Lesson 11 Why we use Entity Relationship diagram ERD

"Many of my students ask me what is ERD? Why ERD is used? What the use of studding DBMS.... so on and on and on "

"They are actually true. What is the use of this Subject. If you say its too late to explain this I would be post this dialog early posting some where."

"You may be right but in my point of view you know nothing about this Topic. Now we are moving to advance level actually its is the best time to chat with you guys. So let me explain.."

what is dbms actually all about.

I have good example...

My dear friends you are reading my blog. So you Know about computer programming as well Let us assume that.. well i am sure about it!

Then you surely heard about algorithms in programming.
Algorithms are some thing like frame setup for an complex programming.
simply in Alogo (aka) we decide how to develop a program, whats the structure of the program. how many veritable are used in a program. what approach we should take to solve the problem.

ERD is an algorithms in software development or designing. Let me explain more clearly by an other example.

Assume You are the Owner of a software development company Let's Name it Sam enterprises 
Now I come to you having a small school. I want to upgrade my school. hand work to computerization.
If you know only programming You are not able to handle it.
So Entity relationship model is just a Blueprint of a client organization..
you better understood later lessons.

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